Food & Recipes
2 min read

Autumn Delights: 12 Fresh Seasonal Foods Packed with Nutrients

The weather is cooling and that means it’s time to start thinking about cozy fall meals and seasonal produce. We’ve compiled a list of our twelve favorite nutrient-rich foods you need to add to your shopping list. Plus, some of Dr. Melina’s best quick tips on how to prepare them!


Pears contain 21% of daily value of fiber and loaded with anti-inflammatory phytonutrients called Flavonoids. Pears are great plain, or add them to a fall salad or smoothie.

Acorn squash 

One cup has a whopping 59% of the RDA of vitamin A to support healthy immune function along with vitamin C. The skin is edible so they are great roasted and stuffed with ground turkey for a tasty fall meal.


These have a short window so buy them early. They have no seeds or pits so they are easy to slice. They contain 20% daily value of bier and 14% vitamin C as well as fiber and magnesium. Add them to a salad or just slice and eat!

Pumpkin seeds 

These are amazing year round but we usually think of them around Halloween (obviously!) Roast the seeds in the oven tossed with a little salt or add them to homemade granola for an easy treat. They are a great source of fiber and protein, and a top source of magnesium, which supports healthy blood pressure, blood sugar, regularity and energy.


Apples contain a plant based compound called quercetin which can reduce diabetes risk, inflammation and support healthy immune function. In addition, a fiber called pectin acts as a prebiotic to maintain gut health. Apples are a perfect fall snack with a handful of nuts, or top them with cinnamon and pop them in the microwave.

Brussel sprouts 

Containing 80% of the RDA of vitamin C and loaded with fiber plus a special compound called indole that blocks an enzyme involved in cancer growth, brussel sprouts are the real deal. Try them roasted with a little sea salt, olive oil and balsamic.

Sweet potatoes or yams 

Just one medium sweet potato contains 283% of the RDA of Beta carotene which is essential for healthy immune function, heart, and vision. Plus 44% DV or Vitamin C, loads of soluble fiber, and 20% DV of blood pressure lowering potassium. Delicious baked and topped with fresh herbs.


Artichokes are loaded with fiber (almost 1/3 DV) plus ¼ DV of magnesium and heart healthy folate. They enjoy a second season in the fall and work great as an appetizer or side dish with a tasty aoli herb dip.


These actually have more disease fighting anti-inflammatory polyphenols than two better-known anti-inflammatories – green tea and red wine. Plus they are a good source of magnesium and contain as much calcium as ½ cup of milk. Try fresh served with soft cheese and whole grain cracker with balsamic drizzled on top.


Fall and Winter is a great time to eat more hardy herbs that are available fresh in the such as rosemary (skin health), parsley, and thyme (brain health.) Fresh herbs add nutrients and flavor to anything!


Zucchini contains over 25% of the daily value of vitamin C and eye healthy carotenoids lutein and zeanthanin. Try them spiralized with tomato sauce in place of pasta to drop calories and boost nutrition.


Parsnips are carrot’s lesser known cousin, but should not be overlooked as they are nutrition power houses. They have 25% of the daily value of vitamin C and K plus 26% of thedaily value of fibe. Give them a try baked with spices as a tasty and healthy alternative to french fries.


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