Food & Recipes
2 min read

Seasonal Produce for a Healthy Heart

This month's seasonal produce is heart healthy!

February is the peak season for citrus fruits. Oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are bursting with heart healthy polyphenols, that support blood vessel health and reduce inflammation. Other polyphenol rich seasonal produce include kale, broccoli, arugula, and kiwi. Aim to eat a diverse color of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily to ensure you are getting all the nutrients your body needs!

There is an abundance of seasonal produce that is loaded with soluble fiber, which plays a crucial role in heart health by helping to lower cholesterol levels. Great sources include pears, sweet potatoes, apples, and brussel sprouts. The skin on fruits and vegetables contains higher amounts of nutrients so be sure to leave the skin on pears and apples! 

Magnesium is important for maintaining optimal heart health by regulating blood pressure and supporting proper muscle and nerve function. Studies have shown that diets rich in magnesium are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and hypertension. Great seasonal sources of magnesium include spinach and broccoli, which can both be added to eggs, stir fries, or served as a side dish.

As we celebrate Heart Health Awareness Month this February, let's remember to prioritize our cardiovascular well-being by incorporating seasonal produce into our diets. Check out these nutrient dense, heart healthy recipes on the Ahara app!

Couscous With Oranges

Veggie Egg Cups 

Roasted Beet & Pear Salad

Broccoli & Caramelized Shallots

Chicken & Kale Wrap


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